The study aims at evaluating the social, demographic, clinical, access to health and other services, frailty, co-morbidities including HIV situation of older people (>50 years) living in a community in Wakiso district; Busukuma sub-county. It is a multidisciplinary study, which Dr Tennie Videler (Pic 2, left) meeting one of the participants for the study. year one review of sub grantees The first annual progress review meeting for sub-grantees and demonstration projects was held on 23rd February. Held at the Silver Springs Hotel in Kampala, representatives from all nine subgrantees, including Rural Initiative for Community Empowerment – (RICE West Nile) and Rice Out Mbuya (ROM) who began their year with us in January were in attendance. Lessons learned in year one and challenges faced were shared by all. Various methods used by different subgrantees presented challenges for others to adopt.
Recommendations were also shared by fellow sub-grantees on some of the challenging activities. has neuroscientists, demographers, social scientists and artists (visual and performing) coming together using will both qualitative
and quantitative methods.